美國超市停止販售非永續之鮪旗魚類美國標榜販售自然有機食品的Whole Foods超市聲明,渠為響應地球日發動4月22日前全球生鮮櫃拒絕販售紅標劍旗魚及鮪魚的行動,將擴大至2012年地球日前停售野生捕獲的紅標水產品(不包括販售延長至2013年地球日前的大 a漫西洋真鱈及比目魚)。Whole Foods為方便消費者辨識水產品永續層級,早於2010年9月率先將店內野生捕獲的水產品以綠、黃、紅3色標籤分級的作法亦獲Blue Ocean Institute、Monterey Bay Aquarium認同加入。Whole Foods超市進一步說明,綠標或「Best h漫Choice」(最佳選擇)代表該水產品資源不僅相當豐富,亦以利於生態法捕獲;黃標或「Good alternative」(優良替代品)表示對該魚種資源狀態及捕獲方式尚有疑慮;紅標或「Avoid」(應避免採購)為過度捕撈魚種或漁法嚴重衝擊海洋生態或棲地。Whole Foods是 成人漫畫首家與MSC自1999年合作推廣永續水產品,並對非MSC認證水產品採分級標示的超市。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 7/2011,15 April 2011)WHOLE FOODS TO STOP SELLING RED-RATED SWORDFISH AND TUNAWhole Foods Market, a natural and organic 免費a片food supermarket, said it remains on track to stop sellingred-rated swordfish and tuna at its seafood counters nationwide by April 22, Earth Day. Remainingred-rated wild caught seafood except Atlantic cod and sole will be phased 關鍵字廣告out of the company’sstores by Earth Day 2012. Atlantic cod and sole will have an extension until Earth Day 2013.In September 2010, Whole Foods had launched an in-store colour-coded sustainability ratingprogramme for wild-caught 程式設計seafood. Partnering with Blue Ocean Institute and Monterey BayAquarium, the sustainability rating system’s green, yellow and red ratings make it simpler forshoppers to make informed choices at the seafood case.According to the 色情網站company, green or “best choice” ratings indicate that a species is relativelyabundant and is caught in environmentally-friendly ways. While yellow or “good alternative” ratingsmean that some concerns exist with the species 色情遊戲status or catch methods, red or “avoid” ratings meantthat the species is currently suffering from overfishing, or its fishing methods harm other marine lifeor habitats.Whole Foods’ initiative expands upon the sustainable 情色文學seafood programme it has had with the MarineStewardship Council or MSC since 1999, and the ratings apply only to non-MSC-certified fish.
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